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Below is a list of our full offering of online courses, covering all industries from Construction and Engineering, to Food Safety and Health & Social Care

Abrasive Wheels.jpeg


This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work.

Duration: 100 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Achieveing Food Hygiene.jpeg

Achieving Food Hygiene
Rating Level 5

This course gives you an overview of how the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme works, the scoring criteria and assessments.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)



The course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Allergen Awareness.jpeg


This course covers general allergies, food allergies and food intolerances and explains the differences between them.

Duration: 100 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Anti-Bribery and

This course examines some of the reasons why bribery and corruption occur and examples of how common this is.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Anti-Harassment and

This course covers commitments that should be laid out in a company's anti-harassment and bullying policy to comply with UK law.

Duration: 35 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Anti Money Laundering.jpeg


This course covers essential facts about money-laundering, along with legal aspects and how companies can deal with this.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Asbestos Awareness.jpeg


The course informs you about the risks of working with asbestos, plus legislation and recognising risks.

Duration: 65 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Asbestos Architects.jpeg

Asbestos Awareness for
Architects and Designers

This course is a variation on the Asbestos Awareness course that contains specific information for designers and architects.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Assessing Display Screen Equipment.jpeg

Assessing Display
Screen Equipment

This course is aimed at companies who employ users of display screen equipment to ensure correct use.

Duration: 110 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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This course will provide you with an understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child's daily life.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

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Basic Fire
Safety Awareness

This course explains why fires occur and what actions you need to take to prevent or how to act when they do.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Basic Fire Safety Care Home.jpeg

Basic Fire Safety Awareness
for Care Homes

This course is a variation on Basic Fire Awareness with information that is specific to employees of care and residential homes.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

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Basic Legionella

Course on Legionella, potential risks associated with water systems and how to prevent or control.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £60 (ex VAT)

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This course defines behavioural safety and explains the origins of the concept and how to ensure safety is in all behaviours.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

CDM Awareness.jpeg


This course covers the core concepts of the regulations, various roles and key documents that are required for a construction project.

Duration: 40 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Conflict Resolution in
the Workplace

This course starts by explaining what constitutes conflict and some of the most common causes.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)


Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health

(COSHH) This course is aimed at anyone exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work.

Duration: 125 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)


Covid-19 Safe

Risks of Covid-19 virus and actions to be taken by employers and employees to protect themselves.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Customer Service.jpeg


This course explains customer service, and why it's so vital and then covers ways you can improve your business' customer service.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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This course explains why cyber attacks and data breaches happen and provides practical advice on how to set up effective defences.

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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This course gives an overview of types and symptoms of dementia as well as going into how it can affect the brain in different ways

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

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Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

This course covers steps to consider when developing and implementing a workplace Mental Health Policy.

Duration: 20 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Developing Good
Employee Relations

This course covers the many benefits good employee relations can bring to a business and how to build confidence in management.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Developing Teamwork.jpeg


This course explains what team working is and covers basic principles for putting together a team who will work well together.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Diabetes Awareness.jpeg


This course is aimed at those working in the health & social care sector and will provide an overview of the of the condition.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

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Dignity and

The course will start by defining dignity and privacy within the healthcare sector, and will explain how the two are quite often linked.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

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Display Screen Equipment

This course is aimed at users of display screen equipment, or DSE as it's known, in the workplace.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Drug and Alcohol

This course is intended to provide you with the information you need to understand and spot the signs of drug and alcohol misuse.

Duration: 80 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Duty of Care.jpeg

Duty of

This course will give you an introduction to  duty of care,  how duty of care affects your work & what to do in a duty of care dilemma.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

First Aid Ireland.jpeg

Emergency First Aid at Work
for Irish Audiences

Online annual refresher course covers most common situations and actions that you can take to help. Specific to Irish audiences.

Duration: 150 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

End of Life Care.jpeg

End of Life

This course tells you what to expect, how to handle the emotions associated with this time & working with the other professionals.

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Epilepsy Awareness.jpeg


This course will give you an overview of epilepsy, methods of diagnosis, what a seizure is and how the brain can be affected.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Effective Delegation.jpeg


This course will start with the essentials - defining exactly what we mean by delegation and why it's so important.

Duration: 110 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Electrical Safety.jpeg


Basics of electrical work, plus risks and hazards and how to help someone post electric shock.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Emergency First Aid at Work -
Online Annual Refresher

Online annual refresher course covers most common situations and actions that you can take to help.

Duration: 150 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Equality, Diversity and

This course covers how to identify and address issues of unfairness and discrimination in the workplace.

Duration: 70 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Facebook for

This course explains Facebook and the different tools it features that can be used to help promote your business.

Duration: 80 mins

Cost: £90 (ex VAT)

Fire Extinguisher.jpeg


Learn to identify different types of fire extinguishers in your workplace and situations they are used in.

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Fire Marshal.jpeg


This training course provides you with the knowledge to carry out the functions of a fire marshal.

Duration: 220 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Fire Marshal Care Home.jpeg

Fire Marshal for
Care Homes

This course is a variation on the Fire Marshal course and contains information specific to employees of care and residential homes.

Duration: 220 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Handling Information Care Setting.jpeg

Handling Information
in a Care Setting

This course provides an introduction to the concept of handling information in care settings.

Duration: 20 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Health and Safety Care.jpeg

Health and Safety
in a Care Setting

This course discusses the legislation that applies to care homes along with developing safe systems of work.


Duration: 80 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Infection Control.jpeg


This course will start by defining infection prevention and control and explaining the impact of good and bad infection control.


Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Intro GDPR.jpeg


An introduction to the main elements of GDPR, including compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Intro Emotional Intelligence.jpeg

Introduction to
Emotional Intelligence

This course will introduce the concept of emotional intelligence and look at how you can use it in effective and meaningful ways. 

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £60 (ex VAT)

Intro HACCP Level 2.jpeg

Introduction to HACCP
Level 2

Covers some of the key terms you will need to understand, identifying critical control points and analysing some key hazards.

Duration: 80 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Intro Personal Safety Lone Worker.jpeg

Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers

An introduction to personal safety to those that work alone within business premises, mobile workers and homeworkers.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Risk Assessment.jpeg

Introduction to Risk

This course covers what a risk assessment is, identifying risks and how to complete an assesment.

Duration: 90 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Intro Safe Handling Medicines.jpeg

Introduction to the Safe Handling
of Medicines

This course explains all the key information related to handling medicines, including medicine groups and interpreting labels.


Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Leadership Skills.jpeg


This course introduces techniques and theories that can help to improve leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

Duration: 90 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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Learning Disability

This course starts giving you an overview of some common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people. 

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Level 1 Food Safety Catering.jpeg

Level 1 Food Safety –

This level 1 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food catering setting through safe practices.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £18 (ex VAT)

Level 1 Food Safety Manufacturing.jpeg

Level 1 Food Safety –

This level 1 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food manufacturing setting through safe practices.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £18 (ex VAT)

Level 1 Food Safety Retail.jpeg

Level 1 Food Safety –

This level 1 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food retail setting through safe practices.

Duration: 50 mins

Cost: £18 (ex VAT)

Level 2 Food Safety Catering.jpeg

Level 2 Food Safety –

This level 2 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food catering setting through safe practices.

Duration: 220 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Level 2 Food Safety Manufacturing.jpeg

Level 2 Food Safety –

This level 2 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food manufacturing setting through safe practices.

Duration: 90 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Level 2 Food Safety Retail.jpeg

Level 2 Food Safety –

This level 2 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food retail setting through safe practices.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

LinkedIn Business.jpeg

LinkedIn for

This course covers LinkedIn and how it can be used to enhance your business and sales pitches.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £90 (ex VAT)

Managing Meetings.jpeg


The course starts with some basic definitions and statistics that outline how important running meetings effectively can be.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Managing Sickness Absence.jpeg

Managing Sickness
and Absence

This course will help you to understand the different types of absence and Identify ways of measuring absence.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Manual Handling.jpeg


What is manual handling and the regulations and legislation that apply to manual handling tasks.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Mental Capacity Act.jpeg


This course describes in detail the many facets and procedures of the Mental Capacity Act.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Nutrition Hydration.jpeg

Nutrition and

This course will start by defining the various terms used when talking about nutrition and hydration in care environments.


Duration: 65 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Objective Setting.jpeg


This course helps create effective objectives that deliver results & covers the importance of goals & objectives and why we need them.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Paediatric First Aid.jpeg

First Aid

This course equips you with the theoretical knowledge, skills and confidence you need to deal with paediatric first aid situations.

Duration: 115 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Mental Health Awareness.jpeg

Mental Health

This course explains differences between mental health and mental illness plus advice on working effectively with those affected.

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)



This course covers basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation and skills you can apply to your negotiations.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Noise Awareness.jpeg


Covers how dangerous noise can be in the workplace, and the main safety issues to be aware of.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Presentation Skills.jpeg


This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)


Personal Protective

How PPE plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing fatalities, injuries and diseases at work.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Preparation CITB Test.jpeg

Preparation for CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test

For candidates who have completed their Level 1 H&S in a Construction Environment course in preparation for touch screen test.

Duration: 120 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Project Management.jpeg


This course covers the basic principles of project management and some tools and techniques to improve your skills.

Duration: 90 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Safeguarding Adults.jpeg


This course is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support.

Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £27 (ex VAT)

Safeguarding Children.jpeg


This course covers facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered & how to recognise the signs.


Duration: 75 mins

Cost: £27 (ex VAT)

Sales Skills.jpeg


The course covers basic rules for sales people, cold calling, how to deal with gatekeepers & typical face-to-face meetings.

Duration: 120 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

SEO Business.jpeg

SEO for

This course focuses on the anchor point of your digital marketing strategy which is your website or micro-site.

Duration: 80 mins

Cost: £178.80 (ex VAT)

Sexual Harassment Workplace.jpeg

Sexual Harassment
in the Workplace

This course defines sexual harassment and explains how protection comes from both employment law and criminal law.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Sharps Awareness.jpeg


In this course you'll learn about the prevalence and different types of 'sharps litter' that can be found in the UK.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Slips Trips Falls.jpeg

Slips, Trips and

This course covers some statistics relating to slips, trips and falls and actions to reduce the risk of these.

Duration: 60 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Social Media Business.jpeg

Social Media for

This course covers how to get the best out of social media in a business, focussing on strategies and people to support on socials.

Duration: 100 mins

Cost: £178.80 (ex VAT)

Twitter for Business.jpeg

Twitter for

This courses will look in detail at the use of Twitter as part of your marketing activity and how to engage with customers.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £90 (ex VAT)

Understanding Role in Care.jpeg

Understanding Your Role
in Care

This course will define social care and talk about why people choose it as a career and what its goals and objectives are.

Duration: 40 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Working at Height.jpeg

Working at

Aimed at people who undertake work at height, or who employ those who regularly work at height.

Duration: 105 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Stress Management.jpeg


This course is introduction to stress and why it's a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.

Duration: 30 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Stroke Awareness.jpeg


This course covers types of strokes, symptoms and risk factors, plus treatment options & the condition's long-term impact.

Duration: 55 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Time Management.jpeg


Designed to ensure you have techniques to improve your efficiency, output and ability to function more effectively 

Duration: 105 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Your Personal Development.jpeg

Your Personal

The course looks at the way standards are set, monitored and regulated for social care organisations & workers throughout the UK.

Duration: 35 mins

Cost: £21 (ex VAT)

Working Confined Spaces.jpeg

Working in
Confined Spaces

What constitutes a confined space, potential hazards, safe operating, and emergency and rescue.

Duration: 25 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

Working Safely.jpeg


The course covers topics including fire safety, asbestos awareness, working at height, COSHH, PPE and electricity.

Duration: 150 mins

Cost: £60 (ex VAT)

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Workplace Health and

Understanding of health and safety legislation, identify causes of accidents and action plans.

Duration: 45 mins

Cost: £24 (ex VAT)

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